December 5, 2010

Fact #147: Off and running

We did it! We opened the show!


Opening nights are funny. There's always a bump in energy from nerves and excitement and the dynamic of the audience. There's a feeling that this particular performance is special. It's the moment we've all been waiting for, what all the work in rehearsal was for.

Some actors love opening night and some hate it. Personally, I fall somewhere in between.

I like it because it is a special night. No matter how long or short the run is, there's only one opening night. It's the introduction of this production to the world. And I like the feeling afterward, that wild giddy rush of elation and relief at having made it through the first performance.

But really, my favorite part of the run is after we've opened -- once the jitters have died down a bit, once we've had a few different audiences. Once the show is settled into our bones.

So here's to next week. And the week after that.

Til tomorrow!

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