January 31, 2011

Fact #204: I know some things about some things...

I went out to Over the Bar tonight for some veggie burgers and beers with friends. Right as we were finishing our food, they started their Monday night trivia game -- so of course we had to stay and play.

We did okay. We knew some hard ones. . . and missed a few obvious ones. We were hanging onto third place until the very final round, when we got super stumped and subsequently schooled (alliteration: almost as much fun as hyperbole!).

My not-finest moment was when I tried very seriously to explain to my friends that Billy Mays died because he got hit on the head with a suitcase.

It wasn't even a trivia question.

Til tomorrow!

January 30, 2011

Fact #203: Pet peeves

First of all, I love the expression 'pet peeves.' Because that's just what they are.

They're these little irritations that we carry around with us the way rich socialites carry tiny dogs in their purses. We keep them with us all the time and we take them out every once in a while to pet them. If we could, we'd put itty-bitty spiked collars on them and make them wear monogrammed sweaters in the winter.

I'm pretty sure everybody has at least a few pet peeves. Which I think is okay. I think it's kind of funny the weird things that drive people nuts. :)

A few of my top pet peeves:
1. Girls who suck at walking in high heels, but insist on doing it anyway.

Listen up, ladies of the world. Those heels might make your legs look stellar, but if they also make you walk like a lumbering yeti, you're ending up with a negative balance on the sexy scale. Seriously. Give it up. Or buy a Segway.

2. Plumber-butt on non-plumbers.

If you're not qualified to fix leaky pipes and repair plumbing, you don't get a free pass to hang your butt crack out of the back of your pants. Sorry. Also, how can you not notice that???? Don't you feel a draft?? Somewhere in the recesses of your mind, don't you have some vague sense of where your pants are in relation to your ass?

3. Spelling 'girl' with a 'u'.

There's no 'u'!!! It already has a vowel. It has an 'i', which does the job just fine. So why would you go out of your way to spell it wrong? I already ranted about this in another post, so I'll leave it at that... except to say, why?? Why? Why????????? *hyperventilates into paper bag*

4. The "Pittsburgh left".

I'm sorry, I know that's a thing here. But I hate it. Call me crazy, but I like following traffic laws. And it's bad enough when one car does it, but I've literally seen three cars in a row hold up oncoming traffic while they turned. It annoys me so much that I start revving my engine as soon as the opposing light turns yellow, just so everyone knows I'm not stoppin' for no one. I'm not sure how intimidating that actually is in my little Toyota Corolla, but I try...

5. Loud chewers.

Close your mouth. Please, for the love of humanity, close your mouth.

PS. When I Googled 'dog in purse', I also found this:

Then I laughed so hard I almost died.

Now I'm calling the ASPCA.

Til tomorrow!

January 29, 2011

Fact #202: I like this

TED Talks are awesome.

As a person (and as an actor) I think this talk is so insightful. And lovely.

Til tomorrow!

January 28, 2011

Fact #201: Focus

What's the opposite of multi-tasking? Single-tasking?

Well, whatever it is, I need to do more of it.

I'm trying to wean myself off of multi-tasking. Not that it's a bad thing, necessarily. Sometimes you gotta do two (or three, or four) things at once just to get it all done. But the more things I try to do at one time, the less attention I'm able give to each of them.

I'm usually a lot more productive if I just focus on one thing, do it well, get it done -- and then move on to the next thing. I actually get more done in less time that way. It's not so hectic or chaotic.

And less chaos means fewer of those moments where I lock my keys in the car, try to put gloves on my feet, or leave bras in the freezer. . . not that I've ever done any of those things.

Til tomorrow!

January 27, 2011

Fact #200: The best thing ever

Guess who got a massage today? I'll give you a hint:

It was meeeeeeeeeee!!

Til tomorrow.

January 25, 2011

Fact #198: Help me, help me, help me

I need new music. Badly.

I'm a few weeks into half marathon training, and I need more good music to run to!! It's like my fuel. Good songs make me run faster, bad songs make me fall off the treadmill.

So, I'm putting this question out to the universe: what awesome music should I be listening to? (Either for workouts or just for everyday listening.)

I'm open to any and all input! And if I really love your suggestion, I'll give you a prize.

Til tomorrow!

January 24, 2011

Fact #197: Stitches vs Running

You know where the best place to get stitches is?

I'll give you a hint. It's not your inner thigh.


After getting my arm sliced open twice, I had it down to a science. I reapplied my neosporin, my little gauze pads, and my self-sticking bandage twice a day. Easy-peasy.

Well, I tried the same thing on my leg, but the bandage always gets twisted around and messed up when I move around. Hmm. Not awesome.

And I'm supposed to be training for a half marathon! I took the past few days off, but enough is enough. Tomorrow I'm slapping a band-aid on my leg and doing my 5 mile run no matter what. Because sometimes you just gotta show your stitches what's what.

Til tomorrow!

January 23, 2011

Fact #196: Yub yub yub!

You know what my new favorite thing in the whole wide world is?


Seriously, people, this stuff is worth throwing yourself out of a moving vehicle for. (In what circumstances might you actually have to take such drastic action? I'm not sure. But at least now if it ever comes down to it, you'll know what to do.)

I especially love that it's both dairy and soy free -- turns out coconut milk makes awesome ice cream!

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some brain freeze to attend to.

Til tomorrow!

January 22, 2011

Fact #195: Fine tuning

This afternoon I met with a woman who teaches at Point Park to work on my monologues for grad school auditions. I'd never worked with her before, so I was a little nervous going into the session. But it was super helpful!

Working with someone who doesn't know you at all can be so valuable. It's a totally fresh perspective. They don't come in knowing your crutches and habits. They don't bring all of their previous experience with you to the table. It's brand new.

It's definitely good for a little perspective!

Til tomorrow.

January 21, 2011

Fact #194: Realism vs Pessimism

I'm a very practical person. Empirical. Logical. I always have been. And that's cool by me.

But there's a point where being realistic crosses the line into being pessimistic. And that's not cool by me.

Realistically, I know that I'm endeavoring to build a career in a field where the odds of making a full-time living are pretty low. Where I'll hear 'no' more often than I'll hear 'yes'. Where I'll sometimes spend more time looking for a job than having one.

And those are facts. They're backed up by hard data and statistics. So I can't fault myself for recognizing the truth. For being practical enough to see that as much as I believe in myself (and I do!), so do the hundreds of other people competing for the same jobs I am. And the honest truth is that not all of us will get the job.

But that's where I have to draw the line between realism and pessimism. Because the other truth is, it's not really about the odds. Or at least, it's not just about them. It's also about the journey. About defining success my own way. It's about finding a way to see the odds, to accept the cold hard truths -- and then open my arms and just smile.

This helps. :)

Til tomorrow!

January 19, 2011

Fact #192: No, I don't think I can dance, thank you for asking

Despite the super-awesome moves you may have seen me lay down in a previous post, I do not in fact think I can dance.

Wait, wait, let me rephrase that. I can dance. I do it all the time. And I mean allllll the time. In the car, in the shower, in the kitchen, cleaning my house, cooking dinner, walking down the street. Everywhere. All the time.

But I really want to take a dance class. (I'm a little short on both money and rhythm, but I think it's time I stop letting that hold me back.)

I just found a place called Dance Alloy -- and their winter session is starting this month! So I'm totally gonna do it.

Til tomorrow!

January 18, 2011

Fact #191: Stitches vs Massages

Tomorrow morning I'm getting a massage! Then I'm getting another mole sliced out and more stitches.

Guess which one I'm more excited about.

No, really. Guess.

Til tomorrow!

January 17, 2011

Fact #190: My beautiful hippie toes

I gave myself a pedicure tonight while I ran lines for an audition. I always memorize faster when I'm doing something and not just staring into space.

A while back I bought a couple of non-toxic nail polishes and polish remover. The nail polishes are great!! The colors are nice and they don't seem to chip any more than regular polish.

The remover.. is.. okay. I mean, it removes the nail polish -- eventually. It just takes about a hundred hours. The upside is that it smells like rosemary and spearment, so at least I have something nice to smell while I'm scrubbing away for a hundred hours. The downside is that it would probably be easier to just take a piece of sandpaper to my nails.

But it was all worth it in the end! My feet are ready to face the world again.

Til tomorrow!

January 16, 2011

Fact #189: My view

I had the best start to my day this morning. It was still dark when I went to work at 7, and little tiny snowflakes were starting to fall. I wouldn't have even known it was snowing if they hadn't caught the light of the street lamps.

It was so nice to be inside the warm, bright coffee shop with the fireplace crackling, serving coffee and chatting with the few customers crazy enough to be awake that early on a Sunday. In between customers, I would sit at the front table and watch the snow fall.

If I was a better photographer, this picture would capture how amazing and peaceful and beautiful it was.

But maybe you just had to be there.

Til tomorrow!

January 15, 2011

Fact #188: A million pieces

One of my goals in life is to come up with a catchphrase that sweeps the nation.

For example, in describing a very attractive man I have sometimes been known to say, "I wanna climb him like a monkey!" (That one, for some reason, hasn't caught on like wildfire. I really don't get why.)

Anyway, probably partly out of being a little bit simple-minded and partly out of laziness, I tend to sort of get stuck on a certain expression for a while. I'll use it all the time for a few weeks and then drop it suddenly when I come up with something better.

My most recent phrase has been, 'My heart is in a million pieces.' That might sound like a little bit of a downer, but it can actually be used in tons of different ways, ranging from happy to sad to hyperbolic. And hyperbole is always fun.
Some examples:

You see the cutest thing you've ever seen in your whole life? -- "My heart is in a million pieces!"

You're craving froyo, but there is none to be had? -- "My heart is in a million pieces!"

You lose something important and can't find it? -- "My heart is in a million pieces!"

Your heart actually is in a million pieces? -- "My heart is in a million pieces!"

You stub your toe? -- "GAAAAaaaah..! Owwy owwy owwy, dammit dammit dammit!!!" (Okay, so it doesn't cover every situation.)

Til tomorrow!

January 14, 2011

Fact #187: I don't know what to say about today (part 2)

I like to use the term "hot mess" to describe myself.

Because if I'm going to call myself a mess, I might as well call myself hot at the same time.

Til tomorrow!

January 13, 2011

Fact #186: The wisdom of old age

This is an actual exchange (paraphrased because I don't remember the actual actual exchange) that took place when I was visiting my family over the holidays.
(Everyone is sitting at the table eating breakfast.)

My 17-month-old niece: (smashing her banana on the table and reaching for her sippy cup) Milk! Milk!

Me: Isn't that crazy? She knows exactly what she wants. First she wants banana, then she wants milk. How does she know that?

My brother: She's not an alien. She's just a little person.

Me: Yeah, but how does she know?

My brother: How do you know?

Me: Years of experience have taught me that you should always have milk after banana.
(I was lying. I never knew that.)

Til tomorrow!

January 12, 2011

Fact #185: Frogs and Shakes

It's snowy and gross outside today. I already ran at the gym and worked at the spa. So now I'm spending the rest of the afternoon curled up on the couch watching Parks and Recreation. Ahhhh... :)

I'm getting some stuff done though. Today I decided to finally organize all my bookmarks in Firefox. It's boring and nerdy, I know, but it was long overdue. I have a tendency to bookmark a ton of random pages, just on the off chance I ever want to visit them again (which I probably won't).

Anyway, I was sorting through my bookmarks, organizing them into folders and subfolders, when I came across an old folder called "Frogs and Shakes." Um, what?

I clicked on the folder and it turned out to be a bunch of links to sites about the gastric brooding frog and a bunch of links to sites with Shakespearean monologues. I must have been in a hurry and clicked the Bookmark All Tabs button. . . and then named the folder as accurately/ridiculously as I could.

Frogs and Shakes. If I ever open a restaurant, maybe that's what I'll call it. (Except it probably won't serve frogs. Just shakes.)

Til tomorrow!

January 11, 2011

Fact #184: Ha HAH!

Hello and welcome to another installment of, Holy Crap, I Totally Made That!

Yesterday I ventured out to the East End Co-op -- clutching my handy-dandy shopping list in my.. well.. hand, I wandered the aisles searching for everything on the list. And I'm proud to report that I left the store with every single ingredient I needed to make this recipe for Pressure Cooker Indian Chickpeas by VeganDad.

Here's most of what I got.

Here are some spices cooking in oil.

Here's how it all turned out!

Yes, the finished product is a bit uglier than the original ingredients. But it's also a hundred times tastier, so there!

Seriously, this is super good. Everything but the chickpeas sort of disintegrates, making this thick stew-like thing chock full of flavor!

I used sweet potatoes, not butternut squash, and I think that was totally the right call. The sweetness of the potatoes was a great contrast to the spices -- and I actually added more pepper to make it a little spicier. Because I'm cool like that.

Til tomorrow!

January 10, 2011

Fact #183: A bigger chunk

I'm going in next week to have another mole removed. I'm hoping they make a big enough cut to get clear margins, so I won't have to go back for a second round this time.
Words I never thought I'd say:
Hey doc, can you slice out a bigger chunk of my flesh? Thanks!

Til tomorrow!

January 9, 2011

Fact #182: Punch. Lucy Punch.

As a lady who is an actor, I'll admit that sometimes I'm a harsh judge of other ladies who are actors.

I can watch a male actor and think, "Wow, what a great performance." But watching a woman playing a part that (ostensibly) I could also play, there's an impulse sometimes to think, "Meh, I could do better."

I'm not proud of that, but those are the facts of life.

But the upside is, when I watch an actress whose performance just blows me away, I know she must be really super-duper amazing because her awesomeness has overwhelmed my natural bitchy instincts. Instead of thinking, "Oh, she was all right... I guess," I think, "Holy crap, I wanna be like her!!!"

That's the reaction I had when I watched Dinner for Schmucks the other night. Lucy Punch, a British actress who plays Paul Rudd's stalker, pretty much walked away with every scene she was in.

She was so outrageous and honest and committed and funny and fearless. It was so fun to watch her. The only other thing I've seen her in is Hot Fuzz, but I hope she gets lots more work because she totally deserves it.

Also, her name is Lucy Punch, which is awesome.

Til tomorrow!

January 8, 2011

Fact #181: I don't understand

The shooting in Arizona today was a horrible tragedy. How do you make sense of something like that? It begs an explanation, but I don't think there is one. People are just so messed up sometimes.

Deep breath.

There are good people in the world. Lots of them. I know some of them. And they give me hope that even though the world doesn't make any sense, maybe things will be okay.

Hug somebody you love today.

Til tomorrow.

January 7, 2011

Fact #180: [blank]

I accidentally published this post at first without writing anything. All I wrote was the title -- "Fact #180" -- and that was it.


The truth is, there are some days where I just don't really know what to write about. I start typing a bunch of things, but nothing seems all that relevant or meaningful.

But the other truth is, I pretty much always have something to say. Where I trip myself up is in trying to filter out what's not 'relevant' or 'meaningful'.

So, throwing those two descriptors out the window, here's what I have to say today:
I worked at Big Dog for the first time in over 2 weeks. It was a little rough getting back into the swing, but it was good to see some familiar faces.

I got to pet a 135 lb Newfoundland today. She's only a year and a half old -- she acts like a puppy and looks like a horse! But I'm in love with her. Seriously.

This week flew by. I can't believe it's almost over.

When I was driving home today, some kind of bird of prey almost flew into my windshield. I think it was taking off right when I turned onto my side street, but it flew right at me! My reaction was to yell 'Oh, SHIT!' in a suuper high pitched voice. It was like a munchkin cursing, and in retrospect, it was pretty embarrassing. So naturally, I thought I'd tell you all about it.

I had frozen yogurt this afternoon, even though it was bitterly cold outside. My hand holding the froyo was freezing, and my face was freezing, and my mouth was freezing. But it was worth it.

I went to my lady-doctor today for my annual checkup. I'll spare you the details, except to tell you that my blood pressure was 120/60. I always forget what those numbers mean. I wish they'd tell me. I guess I could ask. Maybe I'll Google it.

I was listening to "Wait, Wait... Don't Tell Me!" the other day while I ran at the gym, and I learned that Google was originally called BackRub. That made me laugh really hard. Out loud, like a crazy person. I should probably stop listening to that show while I run.
Okay, I guess that's all.

(Well, there's more. There's always more. But I'll give you a break for now.)

Til tomorrow!

January 6, 2011

Fact #179: This is why I'm a bad cook

I'm not an awesome cook. I mean, I can do it. I can rise to the occasion if need be -- but it doesn't really come naturally to me.

If I follow a recipe to the letter, I can usually turn out an okay meal. But the problem is, I almost never do that.

I'll look at a recipe and if there are any ingredients I don't have or don't want to track down, I just say to myself, "Eh, I probably don't really need that." Sometimes I'll say that about half the ingredients! Or I'll try substituting some completely random, unrelated ingredients for whatever ones I don't have.

So I probably shouldn't be too surprised when my dishes don't turn out anything like the pictures in the cookbooks. Ah well...

Til tomorrow!

January 5, 2011

Fact #178: Hey, I know those people!

Two of my castmates from Hobson's Choice were named Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's performers of the year. Yay!!!!!

It was so fun/inspiring/challenging/invigorating to work with such talented and creative people, it's wonderful to see their work recognized!!

Til tomorrow!

January 4, 2011

Fact #177: About damn time!

I'm getting a massage today!!!! Wheeeeeeee!

This is long, long, long overdue. I always lecture my clients on making massage a priority and a regular part of their lives -- but I've been bad about taking my own advice lately.

So I'm ridiculously excited to climb onto a table and at least start the process of unwinding all these knots. I'm a bit of a mess, to be honest. BUT I'm also working on setting up a trade with an old coworker next week. If I can finagle two massages in a week, I'll be a whole new woman!

Ahhhhhh... :)

Til tomorrow!

January 3, 2011

Fact #176: Goals vs Resolutions

I wrote a list of all my goals for 2011. There are a lot of them.

Some are pretty easily achievable, some are a lot less so. Some are so silly I barely managed to write them down. Some are pretty much out of my hands -- but I wrote them down anyway because if they do happen, it would be a delicious pleasure to check them off the list.

I made lots of goals but only one resolution. For me, they're two very different things.

Goals = benchmarks. Specific achievements to be reached and surpassed.
Resolutions = day to day changes. A shift in my approach to life.

My resolution for 2011 is to be more active. I don't mean working out more (although I'm about to start training for a spring half marathon, yay!), but being more active in general. In all aspects of my life. Spending a little less time thinking and a little more time doing.

In layman's terms, gettin' shit done.

Til tomorrow!

January 2, 2011

Fact #175: Bruno's couch invasion

In the front entryway of my brother's house, there's an old green couch. Over time, it's been designated 'Bruno's Couch'.

Bruno is the sweetest dog in the world and is so gentle and patient with my niece -- but the couch is his sanctuary, his place to escape and have a little peace and quiet when he needs it. Even though the couch is blocked off from the living room, he can easily jump over the armrest and curl up on the comfy cushions.

But a few mornings ago, Isla found a breach in the perimeter. We heard a noise from the other room and came in to see her sitting on the couch, curled up next to Bruno. She was patting his fur and saying, "Hi Bruno buddy!"

My heart just exploded into a million pieces. It was seriously the sweetest thing I've ever seen.

It also made me laugh because I realized that just a few days earlier, someone had taken this picture of me.

Poor Bruno. He's just too popular!

Til tomorrow.

January 1, 2011

Fact #174: 2011 -- roughly the number of french fries I ate today

Today was the first day of the new year. So far, I'm pretty satisfied.

I started 2011 off on the right foot with a full body workout -- pulling/pushing my niece around the house in a laundry basket, then hefting the basket into the air over and over. Seriously, that was a better workout than I've gotten in a long time. No personal trainer in the world will ever motivate me more than Isla's sweet voice saying, "Again, again!"

Then, to counterbalance my workout, I spent the afternoon consuming half my body-weight in french fries and cheese covered in gravy. It was my brother and sister-in-law's second annual New Year's Day Poutine and Pints Party! Poutine is a Canadian dish -- and its three ingredients are french fries, cheese, and gravy.

Uh. Yum.

We borrowed my other brother's industrial grade french fry cutter. (Yeah, he's got an industrial grade french fry cutter! The real question is, why don't you? And why don't I??). That process in itself was another kind of workout. As you can see, slicing up dozens of potatoes takes a bit of upper body strength!

So that's it. One day of 2011 down, 364 more to go. I have very high hopes for this year. I think it's gonna be a good one.

Til tomorrow!